"We Have Issues."

Crisishour brand Comics and Collectibles
always strives to bring you the best stories, characters, and products. Some times these aren’t always accessible for the small company that depends on two creators who have a shortbox of issues themselves. While we have been M.I.A. for a bit, we are taking the necessary
steps to make the ship run a bit


I'm SO Goth #02

‘I’m SO Goth’ continues to follow Colette and Xen on their expedition to Nudderman’s for party supplies and tells the moo-ving tale of a cow’s life gone horribly wrong.

New Arrivals

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“Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing.”

Gwen Bloom


“Nulla justo turpis, auctor et est eu, eleifend fringilla tellus. Maecenas laoreet efficitur ex non interdum.”

Mekhi Jacobson


“Maecenas nec nisi nec ligula pretium ornare faucibus id metus. Sed at augue porta neque.”

Ajwa House